
Thursday, December 23, 2004

Non-ratings season esta the bees knees

'Scrubs' is back on, 'Arrested Development' is actually quite funny, and 'Sienfeld' is back on...need I say more?

To sleepless summer nights.

cb (an american berry, yes, but you can't beat empire- gasp! did I just say that??)


  • has anyone seen the show 'popular' its was on 7 at 2. part teen drama part odd comedy.

    Mary Cheery: As GOD as my witness i will never wear sable AGAIN!
    (fade out like Gone with the Wind. Nothing but a dying sunset and her outline)
    moment is cut short
    girl: can't you say yes like normal people?
    Mary Cherry: oh ok


    By Blogger 8scoops, at January 2, 2005 at 9:38 PM  

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