
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

we have only ourselves to blame

This was written a few weeks ago. Only sheer exhaustion could complete it and the fact that the office is really slow in processing things.

lacking sleep?
kinda bored?
what to do then. of course sign up for more activities you nut!
sometimes the need to do something challenging clashes with the need to just chill man.
{prior to competition}

On an unrelated matter: napping in public spaces.

This peaceful activity is transfered from the comfort of home to the nosiy and hygenie suspect world of 'the outside'.

The question put is how to achiecve the same bliss like state with the minimum amount of fuss and still wake up with your wallet and shoes.

For some reason i am especially fascinated by the concept of someone stealing someones shoes while they nap.
{I mean while person A is napping person B steals person A's shoes not person A while napping sleep walks and steals other peoples shoes}



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