
Monday, December 13, 2004

The Graviton, the Sparticle and the Wardrobe.

So all we need is an atomblaster, chalk, a blackboard, a crazed mathematician (somehow I picture him to look like the dude from 'The Office' who's obsessed with the army and weighed into the debate in tonight's episode about what type of alien Dr Spock was, by saying the same thing now that he said then: "Look at his ears.") to write a few incomprehensible formulas, and we too can find....
SUPER-SYMMETRY [gasp! golly! they never!]

What are we going to do tommorrow night Brain?
Same thing we do every night Pinky....

Quick! to the Franco-Swiss border beneath an unsuspecting, yet picturesque, mountain village!

You know, in truth, I can concieve of only one purpose for which I'd really really want to catch that damn graviton escaping ('slippery little sucker-grape' sorry, i don't know what possessed me-something about a dimension where that SPC ad still echoes in my mind) and find the 11th dimension:
So that the next time I walk into my wardrobe and reach beyond the musty great fur coat in the back that I didn't know was there, I finally get to live the single most seductive notion that English children's literature ever planted in my impressionable young mind. Admit it you CS Lewis tragics!! the first time you read it you definitely considered, if not attempted to walk through the back of your wardrobe into Narnia, and bruised heads and wounded pride notwithstanding, you STILL, somewhere in the dying reaches of your imagination, willed it to be true. And now here, FINALLY is the chance for this deceptively simple fantasy to come out of the closet (okay, okay, that's inexcusably lame-the hour is late I tell you and I've just consumed an inordinate amount of fetta cheese). The possibilities are endless...

Brian Greene is to theoretical physics what Simon Schama is to the history of Britain. While the former hasn't quite mastered the Schama shuffle I'm quite convinced that they had the same costume consultant. He did admittedly lose me on the second episode and I still couldn't tell you the difference between string theory and M theory (except that the latter was the brainchild of one Edward Witten who has a singularly oddly shaped head). But to his credit Brian Greene did get this particular middling arts/law blighter to (ever so slightly) wish I had the guts to live on the wild side and NOT drop science in year 11, wish I had the brains to actually understand it (hey, I have the curiosity!-ever since Mr Wilcox told us in yr10 that Vegemite was "yeast poo" my friends...), and regret the fact that I'm rapidly losing the facility to count.

In the words of Miss. E Bennet- "...when there is none other to be had, we shall have to be philosophers Mary".

[cranberries and fetta cheese do not mix. fight the urge]


  • No, I think just YOU tried to walk into the back of your cupboard :) Although now that I think about it, I do have a thing for Turkish delight...

    Did you ever watch the tele-series of Narnia? That was mad.

    By Blogger Mikomiaki, at December 13, 2004 at 3:48 PM  

  • string, M theory [huh], (and reality as we know it as a slice of bread.) Okay what the hell is it all for?
    Say they do prove string theory or whatever will this have any implciations for the 'average joe'? Well at least there might be a boom in transdimensional wardrobes.

    The more brilliant you are the worst the hair so our math maniac should have quite a headpiece.


    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 15, 2004 at 10:47 PM  

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