
Tuesday, November 30, 2004


sing with me now 'I;m gona live forevvvver, i'm gona learn how to FLY!'.

alternate title: the road to stardom is via the Blog?

Hey somebody on this site 'Breakup babe' has sold her novel based on her Blog [assume its a her, a guy can be a babe] to Random House. Cool.

Here i am just thinking what a nice way to ponder, rant, promote discussion, procrastinate, and post plans to take over Carribean Islands once exams are over. Currently i'm looking at my timetable in dismay.

It is a bizarre thought that people will read any of this. Our enthusiasm while not newsworthy[ Journo students start your Engines] is mildy heart warming. Or i need those pills. If we can devote time to pages of blah, funny blah, think what we could do with our studies. [ekk i will not think of exams repeat chant and burn incense free incense candles].

We would have to of course 'log in' more often and resist the urge to quote Homer[ Simpson] unless you are an Arts student.

Now the Island plans...find an atlas.......book tickets.....order the chicken meal..... ah screw that if i want a tan i'll go the beach.

Pinky: what are we doing tommorow night?
Brain: the same thing we do everynight Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Summary: Blogging. Harmless pastime or lessons in life?


  • and only last week i thought I'd seen the most profound thing and you go one better. you know, one day your one liners will manifest themselves in a publication/ script or some form of media beyond our wildest dreams...it's waiting to happen. And that will be your true calling- legislation, exams, anal lecturers, THE LAW- that's just a distraction.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at November 30, 2004 at 8:11 PM  

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