
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Elegant Universe

I must recommend this fascinating series on ...PHYSICS!

(remember Ode to Doco blog, though not all Docos purpose is to educate so i guess i would classify this as an educational program but i digress)
Good use of visual aids, no flash without purpose.
Presenter, knows his stuff, coherent (this is physics) breaking it down to almost undestandable lay-persons level without turning into physics for dummies.

So far part 1 and 2 (Subtitled: The Strings the Thing) has aired 7.30 SBS Mon and i think more will follow. I unfortunatley i missed half of ep1.

To update everyone.

In the world of physics there are two areas:

The Theory of Relativity -think Einstein and gravity
The discipline regulating the world of the large that is planets and stars. These sets of rules present a stable predictable picture of the universe.
which clashes with
Quantumn Mechanics- forces of strong+weak nuclei and electromagnetics (?! hey i've only seen 2 eps)
The world of the very very smallthink atoms and even smaller! According to these rules the universe is seen as unpredicatble. The way Martin Greene explains it (the presenter) its abit like walking into a very weird bar. You order orange juice but theres no real way to predict that you'll get it. Hey you might even arrive in the bar before you got there.

The ties that bind:

Starting with Einstein he of great mind and wacky hair the search for unity between the two has lead some to the 'Theory of Everything' - 'The String Theory'.
Atoms are pretty small right?
(Rhetorical Q no answer needed)
within atoms are even smaller parts
within those parts are even even smaller parts
now within those parts are pieces of oscillating energy strings
these make up everything, are in every piece of matter
(which just kinda reminds me of those micro things that create the 'force' in starwars)
so if those scientists can figure out how they work the rest should fall into place i think.

Problem: strings are so small, the theory so new, uncertain (he started to talk about needing extra dimensions and it got all too sci-fi for me) that the theory is 'safe'.

Who knew scientists could provide interesting talking heads (shots- typically waist up and sprouting info direct to camera)
Scientist guy :If it cannot be proved, replicated in a lab is it a science or philosophy?

trying new flavours- Ginseng Tic-tacs


  • Here here!
    I saw it too. I think it's over. Admittedly, most of the second ep- i.e. the actual explanation of string theory largely lost me. I can't believe you actually remembered it in that detail (were you taking notes??). And why did you feel compelled to summarise it? You just wanted to use some kinky scientific terms, didn't you? Didnt you?? But I know you as you are in your general maths shame- admit it- you didn't really understand string theory either!!
    But yes, i was fascinated none the less...


    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 9, 2004 at 5:34 PM  

  • It replays at 5pm or thereabouts on Mondays for those who missed the previous week's episode. Unfortunately, this message is abit late, because the replay this coming monday will be ep2 which you've seen.

    By Blogger Mikomiaki, at December 9, 2004 at 6:36 PM  

  • darn miss ep 1.

    Kinky + science? that is soooo wrong Cb very wrong

    hey so some of what i wrote was right? trying to figure it out but nope high school maths/science did not prep me for this. just think midichlorins in Star Wars oh thats right u haven't seen Star Wars!!!

    its back to making bath salts if only i could remember the recipe

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 12, 2004 at 8:47 PM  

  • I will never watch Star Wars!!! You hear me!! George Lucas be damned! Not even at peril of death! You will have to conceive of some new and fantastical method of torture to make me watch it- and I doubt that even you, my friends, could manage that by the time obscure movie night rolls around.

    The gauntlet has been thrown.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 13, 2004 at 5:33 AM  

  • we shall see ( low evil laugh that increases in volume and evilness ness)

    Damn George Lucus! NO. the man who brought us lightsabers, merchandise, ILM [Industrial Light and Magic you film philistine]wookies and Lucus Arts games who use to do real funny adventure games in my youth of long ago before everyone went 3D and online gaming. I could have though done with better scripting for ep2.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 15, 2004 at 10:51 PM  

  • who are you calling a film philistine??
    Just because i haven't seen this one american blockbuster I'm suddenly shut off from the echelons of film appreciation? Open your eyes you culturally deprived film student- the world is an amazing place! (That fortunately has more to offer than lightsabres)

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 16, 2004 at 6:16 PM  

  • You you!

    And thats 4 films heading for a total of six buster.

    it is a cultural phenomenom

    appreciation of film can yes even include the fun and dare i say silly (ep2 again!).

    ILM is a mega kick arse (oh how i would love to put that phrase in an essay like 'Contemporay issues in taxation law: the mega kick arse personalities of the economy) company that everyone (if u can afford it) uses to defy the laws of gravity among other things on screen. If SW bombed who knows what would have happended to him. Directing Karaoke videos (there was 1 exactly one! horse mentioned in that song)

    you do know i would never actually strap u down to watch anything you don't want right?

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 23, 2004 at 1:55 AM  

  • Memento moment- Where was i again?

    Ahh yes wonderful program and not a damn burial chamber opening LIVE tonight in sight.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 23, 2004 at 1:59 AM  

  • This one's gonna be a duel to the death isn't it? Hey,let's make a short which is a horror film involving clowns and tinsel. my friend was relating one to me and it was hilarious! You may have seen it- does the line "There's way too much tinsel around- I knew there was something wrong!" , ring a bell? I'm sure we can come up with something

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 23, 2004 at 3:33 AM  

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