
Friday, December 03, 2004

directed by James Wan

and that is as plain and clear as it will probably ever get. The review that is. Oh I will stuff up names.

Ok other films and stuff pop uP so go straight to ‘Vote Cary’ or ‘Not a talking kangaroo in sight’.
NB: I’m not a big fan thriller fan or anything that bleeds really

Ah love it is a funny thing. I thought I was in love with Zoolander. It made me laugh hell even the “special features”, normally the domain of crappy featurettes where everyone professes their love for the director- Starsky and Hutch being a sad exception sad as it was funnier than the moive, made me laugh.

I liked Spiderman. (see old blog)

My affection for the original trilogy and the whole Starwars universe overcame the blandness of Episode One and the Anakin/Amidala love subplot dialogue of Episode 2.

Never make me watch Coyote Ugly if there is any pity in your soul.

But I digress.


I add the ! this time not in a frivoulous manner as one may in a greeting card.

Eg Merry! Christmas to You!

I loved this film. And not just in a ‘ Hey it was worth the hype I’m so grateful that I didn’t waste $13 bucks’ kinda way.

Previuously before viewing this film I had viewed the redo of the Japanese flick the Grudge. Yes very scary, I squirmed and may never ever be able to sit next to a pale japense girl who combs her hair over her face EVER AGAIN. If she crawl twisted down stairs I’m getting off the bus, ferry whatever.

But was the drive to type anything a result? Well unless I have neglected to post it you dear reader should know the answer.

When the lights came back up several things flashed in my mind in no particular order
1. Brilliant [clapping ensured]
2. I need the bathroom
3. I have new found respect for Cary Elwes
4. Dare I ask a Q
5. A more than decent Aussie film with no quirky Australianess like killer Koalas [Not exactly ‘Aussie’. I’ll explain later + Killing koala thing] see1.

Last time I did this no one joined in, it was embarrassing and my friends gave me weird looks.
Seriously the last time I clapped at the end of a film even in the semi-darkness of the theatre my friends had a ‘what the’ lookes on their faces. The film may have been Matrix:Reloaded which would explain things. [later blog ‘In defence of the Matrix legacy’ hey what did you expect an even mix of action and musings on reality oh yeah Matrix 1]

I don’t know whether it was because alcohol was sold in the foyer, the free amagzine, or the shocking final but screen blanked out and somewhere the clap switch was hit. Not the polite clapping you get at speeches or the enforced clap, clap they make you do in assembly or nobody leaves either.

Join the line: When not even your best friend can cut in
Does anyone else chat in bathroom lines?
Q Under normal post film situations should you refrain from discussing the film in case people who haven’t seen it yet?
I know one guy guessed the end. If people, YOU MUST, go watch ‘SAW’ tell me if you do.

VOTE not Kerry but CARY!
What a revelation the man is not just pretty. He can ACT. [I intend to push the audiences tolerance for caps locks]. Sure I’ve seen him in ‘serious’ roles. FBI guy in Xfiles and some movie version of a James Patterson novel, he of the nursey rymhe titles and serial killers. Those, in the parphased words of country pop crossover success Shania Twan, didn’t impress me much.

Was it because he was not in the lead to shine? Was it because the Xfiles was in its slump phase without lets be honest the dry paronid humour of Mulder and suffering from the deadly Tv ‘sexual tension resolved’ phase?

Lets not mention that film with a young Alicia Silverstone. Not ‘Clueless’ but a pretty dumb teen fatal attraction.

Despite these his more comedic roles as the hero in “Princess Buttercup” and apparently the only Robin Hood to be able to pull off a decent English accent in ‘robin hood: men in tights’ was until recently entrenched in my mind.

But from arrogant doctor, panicked angry father and so desperate I’m gonna do something that makes EVERYONE in the audeicen violently squirm and want to shout along with Adam (Leigh Whannell) ‘what are you doing OH GOD LAWRENCE NO LAWRENCE NO’ I am very impressed. At least I think thosde were close to the wrds he yelled it certainly was the mood of the audience.

Perhaps this will lead to more roles in thrillers. Bye bye ‘Princess Bride’ shadow.
His unintentional funny ‘ I’ll be right back’ leaves me reassured that the man can still be damn funny.

Q & very long A’s
Ever wait so long that you almost forget your question? MAN those guys [James Wan and Leigh Whannell] can talk.
“SAW” I never would have guessed it but parts were funny. Unintentionally so we were told but yet it worked. Laugh a little and then BAM the actors onscreen get screwed around somehow. Remember they are chained with a killer playing with them.

Not a talking kangaroo in sight
Written, directed and acted by a duo of ex Melburbune students.
NB for those not in the know apparanlty Melburne pronounced mel –born is a city south of Sydney. Yes Melborne may have them and the casino but Sydney had the Olympics and if you think they well ever let you forget it, forget it CAUSE IT WAS THE BEST GAMES EVER! [sigh ]
Knowing that this film may be subject to strong Australian influences had me worried. Aussies are IN. Is it all puffed up like a pastry but one without a filling?
NB my English teachers would kick my arse for that line
Will these two in an effort to ‘make it’ in Hollywood deliver a competent but unoriginal thriller that looks like every other thriller?

Not knowing about the film expected it was a triller of sme sorts I expected the usual tough, intelligent but cynical cop dried out from the horrors he has seen vs the media loving serial killer with a nickname. Add the devoted female sidekick/long suffering wife/GF/gal in distress.

HA! Co-writers James Wan(who also directed this, his 1st feature film! Wicked debut!) and Leigh Wannell ( who also plays the other lead ADAM) not content to sit back and just gross people out with a relatively small budget of $1million they
deliver one hell of a good film. And boy the poor actors in the film go thru some hell.

Confused (strangley hilarious) Adam awakens to find himself chained in a filthy bathroom with fellow captive the much calmer doctor Lawrence (Cary Ewles. Graudally through a mix of flashbacks and conversations between the men they and we realise that the men are the latest victims of the serial ‘killer’ Jigsaw.

Lawrence: The thing is he never actually killed anyone.

Jigsaw sometimes represtented by the freakiest doll since chucky [to be clear the doll is not alive he just uses it videos to talk to victims as you do] in the tradition of all serial killers wants to play a game and ! new! maybe in the process teach people that life is beautifula and should not be taken for granted. That is putting it nicely.
The killer thing is how this is played out.

There is some detective work and anguished wife but for the most part its two guys in a bathroom talking to each other. And it’s the best thing I’ve seen in a long time.

If somebody told me the whole two guys in bathroom talking to each other plot I would think
a) student film with lots of ‘philosophy’ ahem
b) much like a) but in French ok anything pretentious said in French just sounds better
Yes some of the dialogue made the audience laugh but it was more of a laugh with than an at laughter.

In his first lead role Leigh W ( last seen I think as the guy with the broken leg in Matrix:revolutions for like 5 minutes before he dies) nicely balances his character of Adam confused pissed off sarcastic guy and ‘innocent’ normal scared shitless dude so he doesn’t come off as whiney, annoying and inappropiatly funny. He holds up very well against the more experience Cary Ewles but I don’t know if its him or just the charcter but theres something funny about the guy. Maybe its because his life is at stake and he just really wants a cigarette. Its probably the scene after he smokes it that makes me think he could do physical comedy. Hey maybe he can do one with Cary!
His accent is abit odd I thought but it was pointed out maybe cause I know his Australian and should be talking about shrimp and barbies or something.

Re James Wan: really? besides the 8min DVD they made as a selling point for their flick [that better be on the DVD release] he hasn’t made much! In the immortal words of that great in specific roles Keanu Reeves : Woah

NB to budding actors/directors etc finding an eager production co willing to let you do your thing vs getting paid upfront. Think about it.

It is sad to think that this film could probably never ever be made in Australia. From what ii’ve about the industry heard the funding alone would cancel out that scenario.

Which leads me finally to the whole Koala thing. This was actually a script sent to the director/writer team. Is it possible to film an Australian film, “SAW” was backed by an American company and I think filmed there, that is not distinctly AUSTRALIAN [ beer, kangaroos, G’day mate] and people even say all the way in Canada will actually want to watch. Can they entertain me damn it?

I think the following dialogue sums up the feeling about the results.
Guy: The minds behind this are really creative/brilliant
Girl: Or abit sick
Guy: Maybe somewhere in between

“SAW” a fully sic flick
“Saw” sic in the same sense that Ian ‘Thorpy’ Thorpe says you should eat this brand of ceral because its ‘fully sic’. Translation for people who have no idea when it comes to swimming stars and their endorsements of breakfast products – really good.

Will it be any good on a small tv? Will I bother to get it on video? Will initial entusiasm be dampened by reflection.
As long as there are summer holidays stay tuned!
and because i like to add lyrics to postings
"ANNNNND i saw her face and i'm a believer. i saw her face and now i'm outa my mind. i saw her face and i couldn't leave her if i tried"- Monkees
ex arts students do good!


  • the post time is alittle bit ahead. Was this programmed wrong?

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 3, 2004 at 5:30 AM  

  • maybe i should never have written this. reviews can ruin a film. watching the revamped movie show going thru this movie sucked the fun out of it abit.

    Finding out that appatently its very derivative of alot of other horror flicks (i thought it was a thriller classified)and inspired heavily by some japanese director ( i should know his name righto). Ignorance is movie bliss.

    I do have to agree that the film is kinda macabre.
    If the whole serial killer angel didn't flag a warning.

    And maybe the team has picked an easier route than say a civil war drama.

    I hold a half hope that their next film is a smart comedy on modern day relationships....
    with a killer doll.

    (you had to be there to get the joke)

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 7, 2004 at 4:54 AM  

  • That was a very very very very very very very very long post. That is all.

    By Blogger Mikomiaki, at December 9, 2004 at 6:32 PM  

  • Dirty Bathrooms. It's inhuman I tell you.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 13, 2004 at 5:34 AM  

  • wow it does kinda look long when you publish it.
    theres a bathroom cleaning product tie in somewhere waiting.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 15, 2004 at 10:52 PM  

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