
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Lord of the Rings take 2

I can't believe Peter Jackson missed this casting opportunity:
The role of Sam Gamgee's little brother should have gone to none other than...
Michael Buble-The Bubble himself--> think about it... He's a little tea pot short and stout...
That's all it would have taken to turn this fantastically long and tedious epic into a toe tappin' hot shoe shufflin' regurgitation of classic standards given the Bubble decimation- with Sauron doing the bass backup (that's en-ter-tainment...)

Occured to me while trying too hard to concentrate on Personal Property+ prodigiously worry about Corporate, was supposed to mention it today but as you saw i was a hungover hazard to traffic [the ideal state to do a corporate law exam]. But tis a valid point, is it not? , I think there's a 'bored of the rings' remake in there somewhere...Once Skye's debut short is launched, we have got to do something with that maple syrup, greeen cellophane and some witty repartee...Quick- to the Bon Marche building!

[cranberries with icecream] + tallyho for Admin- may you beat that elusive privative clause into oblivion


  • Take that Privative clause! Ah nooo its regrouping with a declaration from Parliament. Duck, Quack, dive tumble and roll; distract it with fine penmanship and for the kill the ADJR!

    Bubble guy is short? I have a mental picture that runs like this.
    Mono coloured suit= increase height.

    I thought u disliked Messer Bubble?

    There is a parody novel called 'Bored of the Rings'. Once the novelty wears off though its not that funny. I assume the point of parody [i sense a whole separate posting] was to point out failings, ridicule them in a constructive yet humorous manner or wait is that satire?

    Maple syrup no probs, cellophane I laugh, but where will we get the witty repartee? Get me Chris Carter pre-seaon 7 Xfiles on the phone!
    Bon Marche, yes one does need fast words when presented with the prospects of late nights in the ed roOM.

    Like we need more special edition extended DVDs of that movie. Our musical friend may disagree.

    GT- not a rap artist

    By Blogger 8scoops, at November 30, 2004 at 7:22 PM  

  • He hit you with a parliamentary declaration too? En guarde... The ADJR has a secret weapon against privative clauses does it?
    Which musical friend? Extended dvd editions of which movie?
    I challenge you film students to find the most obscure dvd of any genre and if we ever have a movie night we can see what you come up with. Hey, i want to see that film about the Arts/law student who wants to be a stand up comic, and the one about the EGGS (I think the latter was just waiting to happen) I would really like to see their little gaming lounges in the tower destroyed in some very original and creative manner- preferably involving someone in a suit of armour.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at November 30, 2004 at 8:04 PM  

  • no declaration [shudder]. ok i can't think about privatie and ADJR et all don't take my adive in that stuff right now.

    Our musical friend from the choir of two ahem ahem

    extended DVDs of Lord of the rings. no more i say

    why pick on the poor eggheads from what i saw they have enough problems. Oh those films were mini docos don't know how we would get our hands on them.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at December 3, 2004 at 5:05 AM  

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