
Saturday, August 07, 2004

For every impressionable young mind, a phase...(you know what I'm talking about v.skye)

Bear with me, but the many faces of Leonard Cohen are persistently engaging for the nonce. (it all began with finding an obscure DVD of an even more obscure CBC doco about him from 1965). Just as an intro to the mind of the man thought I'd post a poem that amused me. I'm sure even those of you who didn't spend most of last semester anally researching "Canadian identity" (if there is such a thing, I'm beginning to doubt the very existence of the place, 6669 indeed) , will get this:
[He wrote it when he went to Cuba during the Bay of Pigs invasion]
[Disclaimer- i did get the full text of this off the net so caveat emptor]

'The only tourist in Havana turns his thoughts homeward' from "Flowers for Hitler"
Come, my brothers,
let us govern Canada,
let us find our serious heads,
let us dump asbestos on the White House,
let us make the French talk English,
not only here but everywhere,
let us torture the Senate individually
until they confess,
let us purge the New Party,
let us encourage the dark races
so they'll be lenient
when they take over,
let us make the CBC talk English,
let us all lean in one direction
and float down
to the coast of Florida,
let us have tourism,
let us flirt with the enemy,
let us smelt pig-iron in our back yards,
let us sell snow
to under-developed nations,
(It is true one of our national leaders
was a Roman Catholic?)
let us terrorize Alaska,
let us unite
Church and State,
let us not take it lying down,
let us have two Governor Generals
at the same time,
let us have another official language,
let us determine what it will be,
let us give a Canada Council Fellowship
to the most original suggestion,
let us teach sex in the home
to parents,
let us threaten to join the U.S.A.
and pull out at the last moment,
my brothers, come,
our serious heads are waiting for us somewhere
like Gladstone bags abandoned
after a coup d'état,
let us put them on very quickly,
let us maintain a stony silence
on the St. Lawrence Seaway.

April 1961

In a bizzaro world Cohen's alter ego would be Jerry Seinfeld (uncanny resemblence)



  • I really like this poem.
    Thanks E.

    By Blogger Edward, at August 7, 2004 at 5:45 PM  

  • I knew you would Edward, though I should have asked you to explain that Gladstone bag thing. And I'm still impressed by your knowledge of 20th century Chinese history.

    And for my fellow Aussies, am i particularly dense or do we get the Gladstone bag thing??


    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 8, 2004 at 12:10 AM  

  • you and i can be dense together. united we are thick divided we are not so thick!

    Canada: the mysterious north cousin who occasionally sends a christmas card.


    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 17, 2004 at 2:52 AM  

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