
Thursday, August 05, 2004

The future of documentaries

Background- read a review that said a certain Documentary was too much of the hushed library voices style to be really engaging.

With technology allowing the reconstruction of eons old buildings springing before our eyes, constant re-inactments, those damn annoying dress up an actor and have him interpret the thoughts of dead x directly to the camera technique, Simon Schma getting another history gig [rats i missed that] and new in your face and grab your attention styled docos [SuperSIZE ME- counldn't watch those promos and yet i want a cheeseburger now] where will it all lead?

Hoepfully no more Hollywood, cue over enthusiastic why is she here host, look we are going to dig up this Egyptian guy for the 1st time on Tv! I'm not refering to the program that was on recently about the Lost Pharoah but one that appeared ages ago. This type of genre can be a bit dry and its nice to see some life in them but please lets leave the talking to somebody who knows whats going [had happened?] or at least has a an opinion about it beyond 'wow gee i can't believe we will be the first to see this guy in like a thousand years'.

Is it worth watching a doco at the cinemas or should i watch something that would exploit the surround sound capabilities and be really good in the atmosphere of a cinema? Considerations of time available to actually watch a film of any genre mmmm

" Oh history. That's all in the past!'
Jingo by T, Pratchett


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