
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

For the film buffs...

Peter Hellier (i think he's on Rove Live) in the 'Getting of Wisdom' column in the Good Weekend a couple of weeks back, on 'Fame':
"The best four-letter F-word movie made since the 1933 Romanian classic, Frig"

p.s. Did anyone see/tape the 'Angry Beavers' mini-movie 'The Day the Earth got Really Really screwed up', starring Oxnard Montalvo? Classic Montalvo line:
[Professor gives scientific explanation] Teluka: "But that's impossible!"
[Montalvo, screws eyes up into inscrutiable gaze]
"Remember Teluka, anything's possible... [thriller music] if it happens!"
Oh for the days of rocko, angry beavers and Pinky and the Brain...how i miss thee


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