
Sunday, July 18, 2004

What ive learnt in the past 3 weeks

1.  Different occasions call for different strength brews of coffee, which is most often in demand just after you've refilled the water boiler
2.  The best way to disguise your clumsiness when you trip over an uneven pavement or indeed nothing at all is to pretend there's something stuck under your shoe
3.  A true friend is one who, rather than laughing in such instances when you stack it, suffers a sympathy stack in order to diffuse the humour of the situation 
4.  The dishwasher is the most unappreciated member of your household
5.  At all levels of human existence there are concentric circles of power, the inner-most circle being both the most powerful and most stubborn to admit its own existence and position
v. skye


  • The wisdom of the ages. Socrates couldn't have said it better himself v.skye- I'm impressed. You must fill us in on what you've been up to in the holidays. Especially explain that uber enigmatic 5th one!

    By Blogger 8scoops, at July 19, 2004 at 4:44 AM  

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