
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Spiders, Time-travelin governors and chipmonks yes the hard hitting issues

In brief my babble before the return to matters of business, power and learning how to make wicked animations.

Spiderman2- go watch it. a very enjoyable film even if you don't like comics or suffer from arachnophobia. The happy sequence with return to nerd looking form Peter Parker (as one audience memeber noticed to which i replied 'its the glasses' :)) walking around in the sun to the tune of 'rain drops keep falling on my head' and that last freeze frame is just wonderful. oh and the action sequences aren't bad eithier with the tech guys smoothing out our hero abit more as he swings around or gets swung around. which brings us back to the villian mmmm not dark enough? ultimately another good guy turned nutty oh those scientific types. i say he beats the 1st villian the Goblin (Spiderman1) because that guy's mask looked terrible and his glider a bit shaky. Once again tech improvements and eight arms are better than two.

To those who have seen it and i hope i'm not giving too much away. Am i just a cynic or does anyone else not entirely believe that those people on the train would really keep 'mum' about his ID.

Love story handled much better than Star Wars Attack of Clones [then again maybe thats not a fair comparison i could have gagged on those scenes] Dunst and Maguire make a cute on-screen couple and he has to save her alot so yeaaah action sequences.
[ must admit though the hospital and ensuring people getting hit scene, i and others found hard to watch. ]

Terminator 3- ok action flick. Kinda ruins the first two so don't watch it if you liked the others. Me nit-picking but on the DVD if John Connor was concieved in 1983 and the film is set in 2003; how can ge be 23/4?

J.Connor to his "love interest": you remind me of my mom

that kid has problems waay beyond having to save the human race.

As for Arnie hey good luck in sunny California.

Afternoon cartoons- does anyone remember Chip and Dale [ not those dancing guys ladies]Rescue Rangers?


  • "Ch-ch-ch-chip an' dale-rescue rangers! ...when there's danger, you know they never fail...". Far more elusive is that one about the three chipmunks, Alvin, Theodore...I always forget the 2nd one! Who is the second one and what was it called??
    Captain Planet. Tintin,Orson+Olivia, Babar, Rupert...loved those too.
    I think a new generation ought to be initiated into the world of Pinky, Pinky and the Brain, Brain Brain Brain

    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 6, 2004 at 7:06 AM  

  • oh i remember them! the second one was Simon the brainy chipmonk. can't remember the show's title. hey remember they had their female counterparts the chipettes or something.

    who could forget SUPERted.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 7, 2004 at 12:49 AM  

  • The hospital scene is taken directly from Sam Raimi's earlier film series: Evil Dead 1, 2 and Army of Darkness.

    Watch them, and you will see the resemblence. And feel all cool-like the next time you see it with other people.

    By Blogger Edward, at August 7, 2004 at 5:50 PM  

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