
Saturday, July 31, 2004

Who would have thought...

Leonard Cohen was a Canadian!! (how did this escape my notice?)
His ode to insomnia:
"...the first rebellious act that a man can perform - refusing to sleep. That's the real rebellion against life and the generative process, that's the real human idea.
I refuse to sleep. I'm going to protest the idea of sleep by turning night into day. I'm going to revel and drink and womanise all night. In this way I show time, death, the natural process of destruction, decay and regeneration, I showed all that with my mind and my will I can triumph. So they come to Ben's."
I think Ben's is a diner somewhere in the wilds of Montreal.

Is television dead? (...the cry arises among the MAP students)

What were your thoughts on F9/11?

-1 good reason to oppsose the FTA-Australia will be flooded by tangy american berries


  • so what is the deal with the trade agreement?

    TV dead yes the home of the undead maybe with hopes that shows gone by will rise again and some just won't quit oh for the love of humanity. quality shows like many many Seinfield repeats and M.A.S.H, more US sitcoms about dysfunctional families, another Survivor contest, Big Brother 6.

    ok we'll have a nice quite funeral and let us all hope radio has forgiven us (humming Video killed the radio star)

    Those wacky Canadians! I love sleep.

    Tea time all the time.

    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 5, 2004 at 12:08 AM  

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