
Tuesday, November 30, 2004


sing with me now 'I;m gona live forevvvver, i'm gona learn how to FLY!'.

alternate title: the road to stardom is via the Blog?

Hey somebody on this site 'Breakup babe' has sold her novel based on her Blog [assume its a her, a guy can be a babe] to Random House. Cool.

Here i am just thinking what a nice way to ponder, rant, promote discussion, procrastinate, and post plans to take over Carribean Islands once exams are over. Currently i'm looking at my timetable in dismay.

It is a bizarre thought that people will read any of this. Our enthusiasm while not newsworthy[ Journo students start your Engines] is mildy heart warming. Or i need those pills. If we can devote time to pages of blah, funny blah, think what we could do with our studies. [ekk i will not think of exams repeat chant and burn incense free incense candles].

We would have to of course 'log in' more often and resist the urge to quote Homer[ Simpson] unless you are an Arts student.

Now the Island plans...find an atlas.......book tickets.....order the chicken meal..... ah screw that if i want a tan i'll go the beach.

Pinky: what are we doing tommorow night?
Brain: the same thing we do everynight Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Summary: Blogging. Harmless pastime or lessons in life?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Lord of the Rings take 2

I can't believe Peter Jackson missed this casting opportunity:
The role of Sam Gamgee's little brother should have gone to none other than...
Michael Buble-The Bubble himself--> think about it... He's a little tea pot short and stout...
That's all it would have taken to turn this fantastically long and tedious epic into a toe tappin' hot shoe shufflin' regurgitation of classic standards given the Bubble decimation- with Sauron doing the bass backup (that's en-ter-tainment...)

Occured to me while trying too hard to concentrate on Personal Property+ prodigiously worry about Corporate, was supposed to mention it today but as you saw i was a hungover hazard to traffic [the ideal state to do a corporate law exam]. But tis a valid point, is it not? , I think there's a 'bored of the rings' remake in there somewhere...Once Skye's debut short is launched, we have got to do something with that maple syrup, greeen cellophane and some witty repartee...Quick- to the Bon Marche building!

[cranberries with icecream] + tallyho for Admin- may you beat that elusive privative clause into oblivion

Monday, November 15, 2004

Doah! Woho!

Do not check out cute automobiles while carrying equipment because you WILL bump into a tall orange pole.

Shoes that look great will hurt your feet so wrap up.

The one cold day of the week you will not wear adequate covering. And it might rain.

Your mother will notice the results of poor clothing decision making and till the day after you die remind you to wear a jacket.

Your sibling will notice whose jacket you are wearing that one time you do wear it.

They will never forget it.

Orange poles don't stand out THAT MUCH.

Its is possible to film {kinda steady} with a dodgy tripod.

Cheap special effects can be found via cellophane and green cardboard.

Bow to the power of the camera mere mortals. People will skirt around you or try to dash anything to not get in the way.

In doing so they will ruin shots.

But they can be free extras.

The Harbour is pretty but the sea stinks.

Maple syrup and food dye is apparently the way to go for cheap, easy to clean fake blood.

Its probably not a good idea to eat it.

I will still eat at Maccas when there is nothing else.

tea time and bed!

"The more one steers clear of the Scylla of the whole truth the more one veers towards the Charybdis of confusion."

This was from Young J's judgement in Devereaux Holdings Pty. Ltd. v. Pelsart Resources N.L. & Anor (1986) 4 ACLC 12 - talking about the equitable duty not to mislead and to inform members fully and completely of all the matters to be considered when giving notice of a corporation's general meeting.
Only a judge could make something so obvious seem so poetic . . .


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

we have only ourselves to blame

This was written a few weeks ago. Only sheer exhaustion could complete it and the fact that the office is really slow in processing things.

lacking sleep?
kinda bored?
what to do then. of course sign up for more activities you nut!
sometimes the need to do something challenging clashes with the need to just chill man.
{prior to competition}

On an unrelated matter: napping in public spaces.

This peaceful activity is transfered from the comfort of home to the nosiy and hygenie suspect world of 'the outside'.

The question put is how to achiecve the same bliss like state with the minimum amount of fuss and still wake up with your wallet and shoes.

For some reason i am especially fascinated by the concept of someone stealing someones shoes while they nap.
{I mean while person A is napping person B steals person A's shoes not person A while napping sleep walks and steals other peoples shoes}