
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The 4th Pirates of the Carribean

I feel like the cast of Pirates of the Carribean - coming back for more! Grab your cutlesses lassies!

I saw Public Enemies the other night. I imagine the casting conversations went like this:

Casting Director: So, have you read the script?
Johnny Depp: Yes. It's shit.
Casting Director: .......but you get to be a gangster.
Johnny Depp: .....................ok.

Casting Director: So, have you read the script?
Christian Bale: Yes. It's shit.
Casting Director: ..................but Johnny Depp's doing it.
Christian Bale: ......................ok.

I had a dream last night that I was trying to talk Arnold Schwartzenegger out of doing a historical drama. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So, have you read the script?
Arnie: Yes. It's awesome!
Me: ........................but you won't get to shoot anyone.
Arnie: That's fine!
Me: ....................and you'll have to act.
Arnie: ...........................................oh. Ok. *sulk*



  • I think I'm abit of a sucker for punishment because I now want to see that historical drama.

    Anything, anything but Pirates 4. Please.


    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 15, 2009 at 4:05 AM  

  • So Public Enemies watch it at the cinemas, dvd or tv? It looks like a very stylish period piece that probably lightly touches on the crimes of Dillenger while he runs around looking cool and robbing banks. Well it is Johnny Deep of course he looks cool.

    Debating about whether to see it or not but I too can imagine that..

    Casting Director: So, have you read the script?
    Johnny Depp: Sure. But do i get to brood prettily?
    Casting Director: Of course!
    Johnny Depp: Sign me up!


    By Blogger 8scoops, at August 20, 2009 at 9:58 PM  

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