
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fangs alot Josh Whedon

Did Josh Whedon have any idea back in the 90's that he may inadvertently have started the ball rolling on the monster/girl love affair that has plagued (for good and for bad) us all recently?

(Well in fiction anyway, if your boyfriend bites thats your business but try to draw the line at actual blood letting)

Check out this great artcile "Vampire love stories:What is this fetish about?"

Its about the whole insane its so good vampire as lovers not monsters fetish. Yes she uses the word fetish becuase it it a little kinky when you think about it and you probably have. There is no excape from Twilight.

And high fives for Skye for pointing out the attempt to turn Lestat/Interview with a Vampire into a musical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lestat_(musical)

I still say a singing vampire could work.

Grrrrreen Tea.


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