
Saturday, July 31, 2004

Who would have thought...

Leonard Cohen was a Canadian!! (how did this escape my notice?)
His ode to insomnia:
"...the first rebellious act that a man can perform - refusing to sleep. That's the real rebellion against life and the generative process, that's the real human idea.
I refuse to sleep. I'm going to protest the idea of sleep by turning night into day. I'm going to revel and drink and womanise all night. In this way I show time, death, the natural process of destruction, decay and regeneration, I showed all that with my mind and my will I can triumph. So they come to Ben's."
I think Ben's is a diner somewhere in the wilds of Montreal.

Is television dead? (...the cry arises among the MAP students)

What were your thoughts on F9/11?

-1 good reason to oppsose the FTA-Australia will be flooded by tangy american berries

Monday, July 26, 2004

Its only words but words are all i have to take your heart away....

hey colour! ahem serious face here.

The Lyrics of songs use to be so important [despite the fact i commonly replaced words with others that nobody but i can hear ooh spooky] hence my distaste of Popsongs. But lately its the music that has been getting me with the result that the words are ignored. What if any should come first?

I cite any Boyband Britney song funny cliche lyrics undeniably catchy tune. Does anyone listen to Rove on the Radio they have this great Musical Mircoscopes bit where they take the songs apart in of course a funny manner.

the Fran Ferdinand [if he was not shot would there have been a 'Great' war?] 'take me out song 'caught me along with its beat so i assumed it was a song about a guy asking a girl to take him out as in a date but the lyrics make me wonder is this the first sniper/love song?
So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot, then we can die

I know I won't be leaving here with you
[hit that guitar! i assume its one anyway]
I say don't you know
You say you don't go
I say... take me out!

odd ha?

bonus points for whoever can ID the band and song that the subject title comes from. an oldie but a goodie

-Tea anybody?
up next my ramble on Spidey2, why oh why T3 and missing those afternoon carTOONs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

For the film buffs...

Peter Hellier (i think he's on Rove Live) in the 'Getting of Wisdom' column in the Good Weekend a couple of weeks back, on 'Fame':
"The best four-letter F-word movie made since the 1933 Romanian classic, Frig"

p.s. Did anyone see/tape the 'Angry Beavers' mini-movie 'The Day the Earth got Really Really screwed up', starring Oxnard Montalvo? Classic Montalvo line:
[Professor gives scientific explanation] Teluka: "But that's impossible!"
[Montalvo, screws eyes up into inscrutiable gaze]
"Remember Teluka, anything's possible... [thriller music] if it happens!"
Oh for the days of rocko, angry beavers and Pinky and the Brain...how i miss thee

Monday, July 19, 2004

Frasier trumps the Trekkie

Line one would like to use one day:
"Alright people, there's been a coup. I am your new leader".
Batman in Spanish would be: 'Murcielagohombre'
which I guess would make it "Quick! to the murcielagocoche!"
[p.s. v.skye-comment on your last post was me]

Sunday, July 18, 2004

What ive learnt in the past 3 weeks

1.  Different occasions call for different strength brews of coffee, which is most often in demand just after you've refilled the water boiler
2.  The best way to disguise your clumsiness when you trip over an uneven pavement or indeed nothing at all is to pretend there's something stuck under your shoe
3.  A true friend is one who, rather than laughing in such instances when you stack it, suffers a sympathy stack in order to diffuse the humour of the situation 
4.  The dishwasher is the most unappreciated member of your household
5.  At all levels of human existence there are concentric circles of power, the inner-most circle being both the most powerful and most stubborn to admit its own existence and position
v. skye

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

From the ashes of Real Property-truth or fiction?

I completely forgot to mention this during semester. Did anyone else stumble upon this case while cramming for Easements in the wee small hours of the morning?

Soames-Forsythe Properties Ltd v Tesco Stores Ltd [1991] EGCS22

Was I merely hallucinating at that very witching hour of night? I think not! Read the footnotes people!

Seriously, isn't that too wierd?

[RIP this is the last time i'm ever going to open this textbook]


of mice and men...

He's no da Vinci but Major Michael Mori is my new hero. What a trooper.
(move over Justice Kirby-hey, same first names)

btw, that's a really sad book. Anyone read it?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

ALSA Conference, quote of the day (from one of our own):

Green Tea on how to how to help a client enter their comfort zone in a consultation:
"So i notice you have a second head."

Don't be modest now, you're full of one liners.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

The art of juggling

Want to attain a state of genius equivalent to leonardo da vinci? Learn to juggle!! That's right, my friends, apparently the old vinster was an avid juggler who loved to dazzle his admirers with a display of his talents, claiming it was a test of concentration and hand-eye co-ordination. If this isn't enough to support the proposition of juggling as an Olympic sport, i don't know what is. c'mon, what's harder to do: juggle or run?

More to come on living like the maestro. For now, I've gotta go practice.

v. skye