
Friday, July 29, 2005

Skye's sprint around the world

Yes: I saw
Yes: I conquered (well, I'm sure I planted the seeds of at least a few future uprisings)
And yes: I did come back (sorry to spoil anyone's plans about buying the movie rights of the journal I was going to write from jail after being convicted of some kind of remote law that hadn't been applied in decades)

I do have at least one, two, three . . . . hmmm, I'm sure I can get to ten, stories to tell you.

Now for the goodies:
Snowglobe - check
PEI sand - sorry, didn't see it. I did see a t-shirt tie dyed with authentic PEI dirt, but didn't think it was quite you're style. Nonetheless, I did find something I think you'll like
The coconut bikini - didn't quite happen (even if I saw it and decided to buy it I would have had trouble getting it through customs, not to mention having to explain it - haha). But I did get something else, so don't despair my hula aspiring friend.

Will chat to you all soon!


Clubbing- Law students style

Hurrah i like to declare the first somewhat annual meeting of the completely unofficial High Court Judges appreciation club.

I vote Cb for President. Our benevolent dictator i mean democratically elected leader using the Chad system as made famous in Florida.

I humbly nominate myself as person who gets to say 'hear hear' at random intervals.

Since he will be unemployed and thus have heaps of free time we can ask ex Journo Robert Carr to be public relations manager/secretary but stay away from organising the car pool!

In case of wacky people standing up and yelling, thus ruining my 'hears hears', i nominate J Kirby to speak quietly but with authority to derail their rant.

Steve Vizard as head magician and Treasury.

Martha Stewart for catering and for that tough edgy reputation we will have. She did time dontcha know?

All major disputes can be solved by coups, majority vote, or talks until the other side sleeps or walks out.

You don't actually have to appreciate any memebers of the High Court but you can't have an overt affection for members of the Supreme Court. Federal rules!!!

Specilised Court lovers will be admitted on a case by case basis.

Wigs and full court dress is not a requirment but you have the right to throw the squeaky hammer at anyone who laughs at you.

Please wear clothes under the robes.


Is the cup half full or half empty?

If you break the cup is that having a nervous breakdown?

T ah!!!!! Spring semester but damn its cold

I would like to add some words of wisdom, hope, humour and comfort for the many days of study; circa 2046 when hindsight makes all things look better except for socks with sandals.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Note to Skye

Leonia would still like that coconut bikini top

Green Tea would still like a snowglobe (that glows ominously red)

Cranberry wants a vial of Avonlea sand (why was it called 'White Sands' when the earth on PEI was supposed to be red?) and a stick of spruce gum...yum yum (if you are reading this in Customs jail in the effort to make my wildest dreams come true- we appreciate the effort and will see you in 10 to 20 years)


You must come back with at least 10 hilarious stories (or stay in Paris until you do dammit)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hello is anyone there?

Ok i have to know. Under the "Ok what about" comments a certain noodle goat commercial is mentioned. Can the poster or someone else please tell me what that is about?
