
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Wall planner

So its Sunday night an i'm avoiding printing my lecture notes, slides, handouts etc. And everyone knows i can't wait to start that.
Tsk tsk Skye what have you started?

With things being so choca block full of work that it finally warrents the use of the, probably made up, word 'choca block' i've decided to get a wall planner or perhaps it should be called war planner take! that! journal of particpation! (thank u Cranberry your failure to hear my mumblings properly leading to this posting).

How about an emotional wall planner then?

Pre wk 1 nervous anticipation with feelings of dread.
Wk1-lulled into a false sense of security by cancellation of classes only to develop pulsing headache on weekend sadly not because of a hangover but by merely reading the work schedule.
WK2- dread confirmed but still optimistic having survived wk 1 (hopefully)
WK3-4 denial
wk5-dread returns
wk678- explosion of panic and heart going boom but no tish. some sort of mental melt down where 6pm + cover sheet becomes a chant
wk9- false feeling of security returns as the "break" commences
wk10- confusion cause its really wk 9. Or is it? mmmm?
wk11,12- joy over lectures over but bitterness that work continues
wk 13,14 -feeling of horror over essays replaced by feelings horror of exam
wk beyond one word. ek!

then vow never ever to do that again spend the holidays doing nothing. :). and get ready all over again for next year for those krazy honours students.
