
Tuesday, February 21, 2006


...and i'm still waiting for the Y2K bug.

So what can this sixth year of the 21st Century hold for us?

Thats not a rhetorical question so yes please reply.

Optimists bring out your bunnies, sunshine and spread the cheer!!!!!!! whoooo hooo another year and all that.

Pessimists just try to show up and not make anyone cry. Ok?

Realists who are often than not defensive pessimists maybe can find a middle way of some sort.

Predictions for 2006
- the war will continue. What War? Didn't we win that? Wasn't there a huge picture of our Pressie hands up in the air (aha aha wave it like you just don't care) with the word VICTORY blazed over the top of a Times magazine
- Sequels, sequels galore bABY! and don't forget the remakes. Next up Titanic 2: All quite on the Ocean front, the remake of MASH the movie starring Ben Stiller and one of the Wilson brothers, in other news another quirky Australian comedy that SUCKS so bad it warrents caps lock letters and an Austrlian drama sinking deeper than the Titanic into the Ocean of Summer blockbusters
- essays. i could be doing a pottery class and there they will be. Waiting. Watching. All essayie
- the sudden resurgencde of activity on this site. Hey maybe i'm an optimist.