
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tis the season

...to be jolly or merry but wait that might offend being who are happily (!) miserable!

Yes its the silly season or maybe its just me but we digress. Christmas or 'the holiday that must not be named if you work in retail because you may offend people' is over but the holidays roll on!

So in the spirit of the holidays and politicalcorrectness i hereby open up the first annual 'UNIVERSAL HOLIDAY SEASON'.

tHERES no tree but lots of presents and neutral cards because we haveto give the shopssomethingtodo. Hey its their holiday too check out the 'Universal'bit.

So we needsome traditions quicksmart and greetings to put in greeting cards otherwise known as 'recycled paper with wellmeaning writtenmessages representations'.

Grrrrreen T