
Friday, January 28, 2005


Who invented the drinking bird?

What happened to that bird that Fabio smacked into while on a roller coaster?

Can chess ever be made to be cool?


In a shocking development and in direct conflict with history and a trailer that didn't inspire me to waltz down ( i'll learn to strut one day) to the cinema i have been informed; by a source neither really up or down on comics and whose knowlege of the red clad assasian is even smaller than my own; that the movie 'Elektra' of comic book fame and spin-off for one Miss Garner; of Alias fame and who apperead as said titled character in the (shrug) movie adapation of Daredevil; is OK TO WATCH AND ACTUALLY NOT A BAD ACTION FILM and THUS WORTHY OF PAYING $15 (adjust ticket price accordingly) TO GO SEE!

Maybe i should give DD another go.

The result of comic/movie breeding has not always been a pleasent experience. The same could extend to video game adaptions. Book adaptions seem to do ok.

Just for fun to quote a writer of X-men comics" only in comics could you ever see Canada as a great source of conspiracy".

Green 'drink made from leaves immersed in hot water, add lemon/suger/milk/umbrella as desired'.

Farewll summer tv: the bees and their knees take 2

Heres a surprisingly interesting show. Part soap, part ER with those (shudder) operation scenes every week, and family/drama. Beyond the glamour(?) world of plastic tweaking ; a nose here, a full body reconstruction there; the mystery of the serial attacker's ID, nudity, drug references, twists and turns actually lies a pretty rare narrative of male friendship.

I mean the two have forgiven each other for getting involved with various people who wnat to kill one or both, sleeping with each others girlfriends/wives, being assholes to other people and each other, and punch ups. They've gone through personal dramas of illness and professional dangers.
And you don't even have to watch regularly to see it.
Possibly a light bulb moment to its true nature or an Arts education kicking in and seeing things?

After Doc2 has put down a woman who wants to look exactly like Jennifer Lopez
Doc1: Theres nothing wrong about looking up to someone and wanting to be like them. I meet a guy in college like that.
Doc2: What happened to him?
Doc1: I'm working with him today.

AND not a war or sports field in sight!

"He's not heavy his my brother"

War movie and male bonding example
Loud mouth gruff but fair higher ranked but not too high soldier speaking to his men " We're gonna go out there and we're gonna save X cause he's a soldier, a fellow Q, he's our brother and then we're gonna give those Y hell!" Men go YEAH and then they charge to their deaths.

Sporting example, not that different but you have a coach and teamates instead of soldiers though allusions may be made that they are like soldiers.

Nip/Tuck did air on 9 at 10ish on Wed but the finale just went.
It stars Julian McMahon who was best known for being married to Danii Minogue and being the son of a former PM. He seems to be doing well so why the Australian Media does not refer to him as 'Our' Julian is a mystery. It has been rumoured that he may play Doctor DOOM in the Fantastic Four.


Did you see that tumbleweed pass us by?

Is everyone busy?
Has the blog lost its allure? If so does it spell the doom of our cosy conversation corner?
Do we have anything to say?
Aha! I've managed to wrestle control of the net back!

Taken out of context Nickelback wailing 'Its been a while since..'

On a sorta related matter something called the bloggies has poped up according to that page that precedes the edit/delete/functions page of our blog.
http://2005.bloggies.com/ Yes it seems like we can now vote for our favourite blogs if indeed we are still looking at some. If that is not the case i am addressing the wide world web but no people oh what an odd thing to do.

'I didn't get sea sick and turn' Green tea