
Sunday, October 24, 2004

ok, yes, it might take a lawyer to find this funny-but for anyone who has survived Real Property-this is hilarious

As for conveyance, one of the most devastating replies to a inquisitive purchaser was made in response to persistent enquiries about the title prior to 1803 of certain land in Louisiana. Driven beyond the normal patience of conveyancers, the vendor's lawyer is reputed ultimately to have answered thus:
–"Please be advised that in the year 1803 the United States of America acquired the territory of Louisiana from the Republic of France by purchase; the Republic of France had in turn acquired title from the Spanish Crown by conquest, the Spanish Crown having originally acquired title by virtue of the discoveries of one Christopher Columbus, a Genoese sailor, who had been duly authorised to embark upon his voyage of discovery by Isabella, Queen of Spain; Isabella, before granting such authority, had obtained the sanction of His Holiness the Pope; the Pope is the Vicar on earth of Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ is the son and heir apparent of God; God made Louisiana."

Thanks to my Public International Law lecturer's endless good humour.


Thursday, October 21, 2004

eyes wide shut

Does anyone elses eyes shut when they are taking a picture?

How can anyone time that to occur 95% of the time? Theres that split second window of opportunity.


Sunday, October 17, 2004

hey, it made me laugh in the midst of a gruelling assignment

From a journal article reviewing books about Security Council reform:
"...How many readers will a monograph on the Security Council have? To be quite frank, the number will not exceed two dozen, to which one may add a few term-paper writing law students looking for a quotable statement. Does such a readership justify the time and effort a doctoral student typically devotes to writing his or her thesis?..."

Fassbender, you crack me up.


Saturday, October 16, 2004

Song of the moment

'I'm in love with Jacques Derrida' by Scritti Politti
...'post-punk bossanova' aka very trippy
downloadable at http://www.hydra.umn.edu/derrida/coll.html
yes it is difficult to hear and i don't think its the entire song...
cberry (mm, i'm hungry)

Friday, October 15, 2004


'Now, you dear good old Ratty,' said Toad, imploringly, 'don't begin talking in that stiff and sniffy sort of way, because you know you've got to come. I can't possibly manage without you, so please consider it settled, and don't argue-it's the only thing I can't stand.
You surely don't mean to stick to your dull fusty old river all your life, and just live in a hole in a bank, and boat?
I want to show you the world! I'm going to make an animal of you, my boy!"

- at the end of a traumatic week, this bally well dashed me speechless.
Kenneth Grahame-the genius of one prodigiously troubled escapist.


Tuesday, October 05, 2004



Lack of sleep will not stop us nor illness.

The batteries running out in our calculators might.

T sea sick.

Wodehouse on the law

"Show me a magistrate and I'll show you a fathead"


the origins of Surferninja

it all began with an actress. no actually it began long before that in the longish (shes in her twenties) dead ashes of her youth. There appeared a film, not a very good one in some respects. It would never win an oscar or be raised above others at the Cannes Film festival. Nicole Kidman would not be in the sequel.

It starred Rob Schnider[ it doesn't really matter nobody i mention this too know who he is].

A man.

A pretty scrawny white dude.

A sufer.

and the son of a great Ninja.

and the love of juxtaposition glowed on the faces of the two in conversation.
