
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Simpsons

Homer in "The Shinning"
Homer: All work and no play make Homer something something
Marge: Go crazy?
Homer: Don't mind if i do (makes funny faces and noises)

"The Shinning"
Bart: Don't you mean "The Shining"
Groundskeeper Willy: Hush boy do you want us to be getting sued

Green Tea- a flick to watch at night in the dark and a damn funny cartoon. but which is which oooooooo


sites to see

we must try something

Green tea- coffee will just be a fad!

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Black Books:

(Couldn't resist- this still makes me laugh)
Fran on trying too hard not to say something stupid:
'I'm a giant ear waiting for your songs of niceness'

Black Books repeats are on now. AND I found a bookstore in Newtown which looks just like it! True it is


on world peace:
' look to the black and white cookie'

on punishment:
' NO soup for you!'

on self-determination:
' you're killing independent George!'

on everything:
' yadda yadda yadda'

Green Tea- thats me!

on mental health:
' serenity now!'

Skye's own variation 'aura of serenity'

on film criticism:
'I saw a movie called 'the net', with that girl from the bus'
...only Frank Costanza



on lunch
'This is the hardest roll since Hamlet'

on Frasier:
'I must warn you that while Frasier is a Freudian, I am a Jungian- so there'll be no blaming mother today'

on the great outdoors:
'Call me Ishmael'


Keats (or some analagous personage), on the mortality of cats:

"A fine cat, a very fine cat indeed"
(coming soon: skye on da vinci "the man, the mystery")

cranberry (does anyone remember that commercial-its American, and its tangy and it keeps you regular)

In the beginning...

There were 8 scoops, and they were good. This site is dedicated to gelato and everything it inspires -whether random thoughts quotes or intepretative dances. The only rule is chaos (or should it be kaos?????) at least once a week, from the trio of flavours, with more to come.

vanilla skye - bad movie, nice flavour
cranberry - bloody passion
green tea - the healthy alternative