
Friday, October 16, 2009

Halloween sing-a-long

Besides "The monster mash", are there any other songs we could sing on this spooky holiday?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fangs alot Josh Whedon

Did Josh Whedon have any idea back in the 90's that he may inadvertently have started the ball rolling on the monster/girl love affair that has plagued (for good and for bad) us all recently?

(Well in fiction anyway, if your boyfriend bites thats your business but try to draw the line at actual blood letting)

Check out this great artcile "Vampire love stories:What is this fetish about?"

Its about the whole insane its so good vampire as lovers not monsters fetish. Yes she uses the word fetish becuase it it a little kinky when you think about it and you probably have. There is no excape from Twilight.

And high fives for Skye for pointing out the attempt to turn Lestat/Interview with a Vampire into a musical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lestat_(musical)

I still say a singing vampire could work.

Grrrrreen Tea.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More questions

... and another thing.

Does anyone ever use this "~" symbol? It's on the keyboard but why oh why?

.. and

What is the difference between a cuppacino and a mochachino?

Someone asked me this and i haven't a clue. Being a tea drinker in case it wasn't obvious.

I've heard of the first but is the latter something made up to tease the non-coffee addicts of the world?

Green Tea

Saturday, August 15, 2009

But what's the question?

If Douglas Adams was correct and the answer to life, universe and everything is 42; what is the question?

And did I use the ";" correctly?

AND I've forgotten the difference between a noun and a pronoun ; e-gads my English teachers would roll over in their graves if they were dead.

Questions that plague me.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The 4th Pirates of the Carribean

I feel like the cast of Pirates of the Carribean - coming back for more! Grab your cutlesses lassies!

I saw Public Enemies the other night. I imagine the casting conversations went like this:

Casting Director: So, have you read the script?
Johnny Depp: Yes. It's shit.
Casting Director: .......but you get to be a gangster.
Johnny Depp: .....................ok.

Casting Director: So, have you read the script?
Christian Bale: Yes. It's shit.
Casting Director: ..................but Johnny Depp's doing it.
Christian Bale: ......................ok.

I had a dream last night that I was trying to talk Arnold Schwartzenegger out of doing a historical drama. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So, have you read the script?
Arnie: Yes. It's awesome!
Me: ........................but you won't get to shoot anyone.
Arnie: That's fine!
Me: ....................and you'll have to act.
Arnie: ...........................................oh. Ok. *sulk*


And so in the beginning...

Woah flashback to 2004.

Johnny was P.M
Britney was a pop princess and not just tabloid fodder.
I knew what the difference between mens rea and actus reas was.
And all this wonderful maddness began because we ate alot of gelato.

"In the beginning...

There were 8 scoops, and they were good. This site is dedicated to gelato and everything it inspires -whether random thoughts quotes or intepretative dances. The only rule is chaos (or should it be kaos?????) at least once a week, from the trio of flavours, with more to come.

vanilla skye - bad movie, nice flavour
cranberry - bloody passion
green tea - the healthy alternative"

Do you remember...

Just looking at some of our old posts.

Does anyone remember "the completely unofficial High Court Judges appreciation club."

And can anyone name all the current members?

Green Tea.

The Return

No not that very grey and bleak Russian film!

Its the most anticipated return since the Backstreet boys decided to reform. (You KNOW you love them don't deny it).

We'rrrrrre Bacccccck!

Green Tea

Now blog blog blog away!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

a dilemma

Why is it that the less work I have to do the more I resent doing it? I only have a few hundred words to write to finish off my "Reflection" due monday and I just DON'T WANT TO DO IT!!!

I blame 'Ovation' - first there was Kevin Kline on the Actor's Studio, then a 2 hour special on The Beach Boys (made more poignant by approaching summer holidays - I can't listen to The Beach Boys in winter) and another 2 hour special on Roy Orbison. Then tonight there's 'Little Shop of Horrors' (hoorah for Alan Menken and Howard Ashman) followed by 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' How am I meant to function?


Friday, October 13, 2006

More words

Add your great word/s here: